~Use reading skills and strategies to become an active reader.
Towers of Babel- Elton John
Peace Corps Digs
Adventures in the Peace Corps
Sam- Character Profile
Chapter 6: Sam
Seat Work: (In Journal)
What is his age?
What is his ethnicity?
What is his contribution?
What is his reason for becoming involved?
What are the effects of his association?
What does Sam observe about how the garden is
set up? How does he feel about it?
What does it mean that “Sam likes to sew up the rips
in the neighborhood?” What are some of the ways he does this?
Why do you think Sam’s approach helps him get
through to people?
Draw a Picture of Sam on this page of your journal
What are some good things that you do that other people might not notice? Name the most recent nice things that someone did for you. Have you been affected by someone who didn't know that he or she was affecting you?
Read Virgil
Complete Lit Role
Complete Lit Role