
Current Resources:

Sixth Grade Learning Targets

We are currently working on our Narrative Writing Piece

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Today in ELA 10/7

I Can...
~Write a real, or imagined, narrative with descriptive details and effective technique.

Writing Workshop Activities:
Word Study

Narrative Challenge- 
Object Narrative- Writer's Choice


Write Piece and Conference

Writing Reminders
*Stay in First Person POV
*Be descriptive
*Make it tricky!
*Don't share your object...Shhh
*Use a lead from your notes

Type object narrative in iLab

Aligned CCS Standards: W.6.3, W.6.4, W.6.5, W.6.10, RL.6.3, RL. 6.6, SL.6.1, SL.6.6, L.6.1, L.6.2, L.6.3. L.6.6