Learning Goals:
~Write your best personal narrative, or personal story, using memory of a person or place.
~Study the strategies for generating personal narratives.
Writing Workshop Activities:
Techniques for Writing Memorable Leads
Prompts for Leads
Narrative Challenge
Take one of your leads and create a narrative. Reflect on your goals for craft and elaboration, as you write.
~Study the strategies for generating personal narratives.
Writing Workshop Activities:
Techniques for Writing Memorable Leads
- Writers might include the smallest details of the moment, the ones that ring true for the narrator.
- Writers might include inner thinking to hit at what the story is really about.
- Writers might include the precise actions of the characters, helping readers to see how one action leads to another.
- Writers might include the exact words the characters are speaking, in dialogue
Prompts for Leads
Narrative Challenge
Take one of your leads and create a narrative. Reflect on your goals for craft and elaboration, as you write.
-Keep the Ideas flowing! Finish the narrative you've started...Think back to your lessons from mentor narratives. (Length Goal- 2 Pages; Skip Lines)
Aligned CCS Standards: W.6.3, W.6.4, W.6.5, W.6.10, RL.6.3, RL. 6.6, SL.6.1, SL.6.6, L.6.1, L.6.2, L.6.3. L.6.6
Aligned CCS Standards: W.6.3, W.6.4, W.6.5, W.6.10, RL.6.3, RL. 6.6, SL.6.1, SL.6.6, L.6.1, L.6.2, L.6.3. L.6.6